Semen Banking
Semen banking is an important service offered at our Center to help patients preserve their fertility. Men who are preparing to undergo chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery that may impact fertility have the option to bank their sperm. This involves collecting semen samples and freezing them in liquid nitrogen for long-term storage. When a couple is ready to conceive, the frozen sperm can then be thawed and used for insemination or IVF.
Semen banking offers men peace of mind that they may still be able to have biological children after necessary medical treatments. The semen is stored in small vials with each sample containing millions of sperm. Multiple samples are usually collected to maximize chances of conception later on. Prior to freezing, the fresh semen is prepared by isolating the healthiest sperm. This sperm washing and separation process improves the quality of the thawed sperm used in fertility treatments.
The frozen sperm vials are stored in large tanks filled with liquid nitrogen at -196°C to keep the sperm viable indefinitely. When ready for use, the vials are thawed and the sperm are examined to ensure good motility and viability post-thaw before being used for fertility treatments. Semen banking has high success rates for later conception and provides essential fertility preservation for men needing medical treatments. Our IVF center provides state-of-the-art facilities for semen cryopreservation and storage.